We have put together a series of videos to help understand how to fit bed risers under different types of beds and general information about bed risers.

Fitting 3” Bed Risers under a bed ensemble

Slipstick CB652 3 inch Bed Riser Installation. How to fit the 75mm / 3 inch Bed Risers under a bed ensemble with glides or castor wheels. Watch this video to discover more.

Fitting 5” Bed Risers under a bed ensemble

Slipstick CB650 5in Bed Riser Installation. How to fit the 5inch Bed Risers under a bed ensemble with glides or castor wheels. Watch this video to discover more.

How to raise a bed by 8 inches using the CB650 & the CB652 Bed Riser Combo

The Bed Riser 8inch combo allows you to sit a 3inch bed riser on top of a 5inch bed riser to give a total of 8inches overall height. Watch the video to see how

How to fit a bed with posts onto the bed risers

In this video we show you how to fit a bed with bed posts onto the Slipstick Bed Risers. We demonstrate fitting the 5inch bed risers as well as how to fit a bed that has large legs onto the top of the bed risers using a specially designed foot that can be fitted to the bottom of the post.

Bed Risers General Informational Video

General overview of how the Slipstick CB650 and CB652 Bed Risers work. Watch this quick Video

Slipstick Bed Risers strength demonstration

In this quick video we demonstrate how much weight the bed risers can withstand. Watch this interesting video.